- Wallpaper
- Wallmurals
- Flooring

Top Tip
All surfaces to receive vinyl wallcovering must be smooth, clean, dry and structurally sound. Newly plastered walls must not have excessive quantities of lime or alkali. Walls must not contain in excess of 5-7% residual moisture content. A moisture meter should be used to determine moisture content.
All new walls receiving wallcovering should be primed to promote adhesion.
NOTE: Many primers are intended for use as a vapor barrier. Use of these primers on wallcovering may significantly reduce the overall permeability of the installation. Use only a breathable primer for wallcovering.
Oil based primers create a non-porous surface, which along with vinyl wallcovering tend to trap moisture,prolong drying and result in adhesion problems.
Existing walls present varied conditions. To ensure the soundness of an existing wall surface, we recommend the following:
Glossy surfaces should be sanded and irregularities repaired.
NOTE: Sanding using a medium to rough grit sandpaper is recommended on walls receiving wallcovering to open pores in the existing finishes and enhance permeability.
Cut a shallow "x" in the painted surface with a razor blade. Wrap a strip of masking tape around your finger (sticky side out), and press it to the "x", checking to see whether the paint film separates from the wall surface. If the paint film separates, the wall is not sound.
Take a wet sponge, hold it against the painted surface for 15-20 seconds, checking for any pigment or color transfer from the wall surface to the sponge. If the pigment or color transfers, the wall is not sound
- If the painted surface is found to be "unsound" by either of the above tests, the paint must be removed.
Remove old wallcovering completely. DO NOT DOUBLE HANG. After wallcovering is removed, remove remaining adhesive with a good quality adhesive remover, then rinse the wall and allow to dry. See Step 1. If the old wallcovering is peelable, remove both the top and bottom layer of wallcovering
Surfaces other than drywall or plaster may require special procedures and application techniques. Contact your distributor or manufacturer for recommendations prior to starting.
PAPER BACKED WALLCOVERINGS This type of wallcovering should be installed by applying adhesive to the back of the wallcoverings only Apply a premium grade, full strength, heavy duty clear, strippable, mildew resistant ACM adhesive to the back of the wallcovering.
NONWOVEN BACKED WALLCOVERINGS This type of wallcovering should be only DRY HUNG by applying the adhesive to the wall surface. Apply a premium grade, full strength, heavy duty clear, strippable, mildew resistant ACM adhesive directly to the wall using a paint roller.
Follow the adhesive manufacturer's instructions on coverage and set time in both types of applications
INSTALLING EACH STRIP WITH CARE Install each sheet on the wall using a stiff, short bristle brush or flexible broadknife. Apply material in sequence above doors and above and below windows as it comes from the roll — DO NOT SKIP. Vertical joints should not occur less than six inches from inside or outside corners.
POST INSTALLATION FINISHING TOUCH Remove excess adhesive and dirt from wallcovering surface, seams and surrounding surfaces immediately, using sponge or damp cloth frequently rinsed in clean, warm water. Dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not use an excessive amount of water to remove adhesive from seams, as it may seep into the seam and dilute the adhesive. As dried adhesive is difficult, and in some cases impossible to remove, immediate removal is advised. Clean all seams to avoid paste staining.
GLUE PREPARATION Empty entire contents of packet at once while stirring water vigorously. Leave for 5 minutes and stir again. The glue will be ready in 20 minutes.
1 packet of ACM adhesive is good enough for 9 rolls of wallpaper.

Top Tip
All surfaces to receive wall mural must be smooth, clean, dry and structurally sound. Newly plastered walls must not have excessive quantities of lime or alkali. Walls must not contain in excess of 5-7% residual moisture content. A moisture meter should be used to determine moisture content.
All new walls receiving wall mural should be primed to promote adhesion.
NOTE: Many primers are intended for use as a vapor barrier. Use of these primers on wall mural may significantly reduce the overall permeability of the installation. Use only a breathable primer for Wall Mural.
Oil based primers create a non-porous surface, which along with vinyl Wall Mural tend to trap moisture, prolong drying and result in adhesion problems.
Existing walls present varied conditions. To ensure the soundness of an existing wall surface, we recommend the following:
Glossy surfaces should be sanded and irregularities repaired.
NOTE: Sanding using a medium to rough grit sandpaper is recommended on walls receiving Wall Mural to open pores in the existing finishes and enhance permeability.
Cut a shallow "x" in the painted surface with a razor blade. Wrap a strip of masking tape around your finger (sticky side out), and press it to the "x", checking to see whether the paint film separates from the wall surface. If the paint film separates, the wall is not sound.
Take a wet sponge, hold it against the painted surface for 15-20 seconds, checking for any pigment or color transfer from the wall surface to the sponge. If the pigment or color transfers, the wall is not sound
If the painted surface is found to be "unsound" by either of the above tests, the paint must be removed.
Remove old Wall Mural completely. DO NOT DOUBLE HANG. After Wall Mural is removed, remove remaining adhesive with a good quality adhesive remover, then rinse the wall and allow to dry. See Step 1. If the old Wall Mural is peelable, remove both the top and bottom layer of Wall Mural
Surfaces other than drywall or plaster may require special procedures and application techniques. Contact your distributor or manufacturer for recommendations prior to starting.
PAPER BACKED WALL MURALS This type of Wall Mural should be installed by applying adhesive to the back of the Wall Murals only Apply a premium grade, full strength, heavy duty clear, strippable, mildew resistant ACM adhesive to the back of the Wall Mural.
NONWOVEN BACKED WALL MURALS This type of Wall Mural should be only DRY HUNG by applying the adhesive to the wall surface. Apply a premium grade, full strength, heavy duty clear, strippable, mildew resistant ACM adhesive directly to the wall using a paint roller.
Follow the adhesive manufacturer's instructions on coverage and set time in both types of applications
INSTALLING EACH STRIP WITH CARE Install each sheet on the wall using a stiff, short bristle brush or flexible broadknife. Apply material in sequence above doors and above and below windows as it comes from the roll — DO NOT SKIP. Vertical joints should not occur less than six inches from inside or outside corners.
POST INSTALLATION FINISHING TOUCH Remove excess adhesive and dirt from Wall Mural surface, seams and surrounding surfaces immediately, using sponge or damp cloth frequently rinsed in clean, warm water. Dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not use an excessive amount of water to remove adhesive from seams, as it may seep into the seam and dilute the adhesive. As dried adhesive is difficult, and in some cases impossible to remove, immediate removal is advised. Clean all seams to avoid paste staining.
GLUE PREPARATION Empty entire contents of packet at once while stirring water vigorously. Leave for 5 minutes and stir again. The glue will be ready in 20 minutes.
1 packet of ACM adhesive is good enough for 9 rolls of Wall Mural.

Top Tip
Excel brings you a new addition to the world of flooring –“SPC Plank Floor” which is extremely durable and completely water proof flooring option. With an engineered mix of stone and polymer and a unique locking technology, it is a new type of floor decoration product in India.
We recommend following these simple steps for an easy and quick installation.
- Space must be clean, flat, dry and structurally sound.
- Measure your space and select your starting wall.
- Place tongue side in the starting corner.
- Use several spacers to maintain ¼” expansion along the gap.
- Lock the short ends together to complete your first row. Cut the planks as needed to fit the space.
- Start your second row. With a cut-off that is more than 8” long or start with the new plank.
- Connect the long end into the groove end of the plank in the previous row at a low angle and drop into place.
- Use your spacers to maintain expansion gap along walls.
- Repeat steps to finish the room
- Enjoy your new floor
- Sweep the floor regularly with a soft bristle broom to remove loose dirt.
- For everyday maintenance, a mop moistened with warm water will suffice.
- Spills should be cleaned up immediately
We recommend following these simple steps for an easy and quick installation.
- Always examine your new flooring for damage or defects before installation.
- Be sure to read the approved installation instructions and warranty information.
- Take care of any repairs to the subfloors before installing new flooring, and make sure the flooring surface is clean, flat, dry, and free of debris.
- Be sure to install all base and island cabinets before installing luxury vinyl—don’t install cabinets on top of the flooring.
- Remove all furniture and appliances from the room, as well as wall and doorway trim, and undercut any door casings
- Spills should be cleaned up immediately.
- Wash the floor with nonabrasive floor cleaner.
- Never push, pull, or drag furniture across vinyl floors. Always lift and carry.
- Heavy furniture or appliances that are not moved often should be equipped with flat, non staining floor protectors.
- Avoid using a vacuum with a beater bar.
- For spot stain treatment, use a diluted bleach solution that is 1 part bleach, 10 parts water.